How to set and keep the good vibes until Summer

One of my Spring intentions is to have more adventures. So here I am last week on the Great Ocean road, in 90K winds, having a bloody good time. The Twelve Apostles were so invigorating, we could hardly walk and most certainly held onto the railing, in fear (but couldn’t stop laughing) of being blown over the side.
This week I’m refreshed and back to work, with a full week of lovely clients and study ahead. Taking a break to rest, instead of keeping going until you get ill or near mental breakdown (which has happened in the past), can be what you need to have a new spring in your step.
While you have the space to reflect, get out your notepad and jot down things what you have in your life, relationships, work, house, hobbies, exercise, diet, possessions. Then next to it put a tick or a cross. A tick means you’re happy with how it’s going and in a year’s time you’d be just fine and dandy if it stayed the same. A cross shows you that an adjustment can be made. Whether it’s a little tweak so a relationship is more fulfilling, or I exercise, but it could be more consistent with clearer goals, or this is not working and I need to cut it out of my life. Then write next to it the action you need to take to reach that year time’s goal.
This action of getting it out of your head and onto the paper, can be enough to kick start you into setting good intentions for yourself. Give yourself a week’s time limit to start, drinking one glass of water more, exercising 5 minutes more than you usually do, spending time talking or being with a friend. Not big things, but huge impact on your self-esteem and will give you more energy.
I have a whole load of tips on dealing with the big things and toxic people. I’ve been working with some fabulous heart centred clients on how they can manage and thrive in this situation with Personal Success Sessions and having great results.
My next adventure is to Vietnam next month. I’ll be on holiday from 7th for two weeks until 21st October, so taking booking around those dates for your Massages and Success sessions.
One last thing, I’ve brought back the loyalty reward scheme. Where you pay for 7 treatments and get the 8th for half price. As I have lots of lovely loyal clients, it’s nice to say thank you. When you come in for your next treatment, I’ll give you a new card (remind me if I forget 🙂
I’d love to hear about your spring intentions and next adventures.
Warm smiles
Therapist – Author – Adventurer
t: 0414 973394